

        作者:核实中..2009-11-01 16:43:47 来源:中国版画家网

          沙 漠 中 的 勇 士
          ——读魏 谦教授的铜版画新作《胡杨林》
          无疑,魏 谦的铜版画以理性追求见长,其《永恒》、《根源的洞察》、《人与大地》几套组画,以大宇宙、大文化的广角观照,内蕴着丰富的精神含量与深刻的哲理思考,从而奠定了他在新时期铜版画史上的地位。然而,他那具有另一审美取向的西部风情系列,则体现出画家边疆十五年深厚的生活底蕴与几经严格训练的扎实功底,同样具有感人的魅力。尤其作品《胡杨林》,堪称风情版画的精品,其技巧之精湛,其技巧之精湛,制作之讲究,意境之幽静,令人叹为观止。
          铜版画在欧洲已有六百年的历史,但在我国还是年轻的画种,且因材料昂贵,工艺复杂,一直步履维艰,发展缓慢。然而,魏 谦教授却以顽强的毅力苦耕在这片荒漠的土地上,十余年间创作的铜版画六十余幅,其在艰苦环境中拼搏的精神,其无欲无悔,甘于寂寞的个性素质,真像那沙漠的勇士——胡杨林。
          齐凤阁 深圳大学艺术学院院长 教授 美术史论家

          On Professor Wei Qian's New Copper Etching A Forest of
          Diversiform-Leaved Poplar
          By Professor Qi Fenggge
          The keynote of Wei Qian's copper plate etching is
          rationality. His sets Eternity, Observation of the
          Origin of Culture and Man and the Land are filled with
          rich spiritual content and profound philosophical
          concept; they observe the world from a wide cosmic and
          cultural angle. This distinct style has secured Wei Qian
          an important position in the history of present-day
          copper plate etching. His western features of unique
          aesthetic standard demonstrate his 15 years of
          experience, his excellent skills and his charm. His new
          works, A Forest of Diversiform-Leaved Poplar, with its
          technique, making, and content, is a masterpiece of its
          Diversiform-leaved poplar is a type of tree that grows
          in Asia Minor, North Africa, and Xinjiang's deserts.
          Nicknamed "warrior of the desert", diversiform-leaved
          poplar is especially known for its ability to withstand
          drought, wind and sand. The print shows the stubbornness
          of the tree with precise, vivid lines that make the ugly
          tree seem full of life. It is a hymn about life, a
          praise to warriors, reminding people of Mencius' words
          "People with ambition do not concentrate on their
          immediate interest". If the diversiform-leaved poplar is
          the hero at the front, then the staring Kazak shepherd
          girl leaning against the tree is the heroine. Her bright
          eyes at dawn express her hope for a better future and
          her beautiful contemporary dress displays a wish to
          eradicate ignorance and backwardness.
          In diversiform-leaved poplar, a pastoral sense of
          profound tranquility prevails. In the gloom of daybreak,
          the warmth of the early sun can be felt. The fragrance
          of tea with milk lingers in the air. Flocks of sheep are
          also grazing quietly, as if enjoying the beauty of
          nature. The reflection in the water of the graceful
          poplar tree, with its trunk, resembles the strings of an
          instrument. It is music frozen, poetry without sound,
          meditation in the silence, transcendence in sombreness.
          The print will calm your restless soul, making you
          forget the clamour of the world and your desire for
          wealth and fame. The boundless charm of nature will
          purify you and help you understand the artist's feeling
          of intimacy towards nature. And then your love for your
          country and life will be aroused.
          The success of the works is also demonstrated by the
          mastery of artistic idioms in etching. The artist made
          his works fresh and unique by his skillful technique in
          etching, painstaking attitude and his spirit in of
          exploration. The print is rich in arrangement of
          expressions and therefore can be viewed from afar as
          well as from close up. The perspective of the picture is
          dominated by engraved lined. A soft wax base is used as
          a corrosion resistant material. The cracked texture of
          the tree trunk is made of wrinkled paper and the long
          skirt of the shepherd girl is made of laced printed

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